Our kids want to be in front of a screen.
We want them to be creative and productive with their free time.
So, why not have a win-win situation?
Why not encourage healthy, worthwhile, creative screen time?
Why not guide them to be tech creators, not consumers?
Receive two emails weekly suggesting techie projects for your family. Complete the challenges, then share your success in the Techin’ Your Homeschool Facebook group.
The guidelines of the challenge are pretty simple…
- Techin’ Your Summer Challenge runs from June 1 to August 31, 2016
- Every Monday and Thursday, you will receive an email with a new techie project
- Complete the projects with your kids
- When done, share a post in the Techin’ Your Homeschool Facebook groupand/or Instagram. Your post could be a link to an online project, a photo or a screenshot of your project, or even a video. Use hashtag #techinyoursummer for all posts.
- For every post you share, you’ll earn one entry into a drawing. If you share in both Techin’ Your Homeschool and Instagram, that’s two entries!
- At the end of each month, one name will be picked from the drawing to win a prize.
- To be eligible for the prize, you need to subscribe to receive Techin’ Your Summer emails and be a member of the Techin’ Your Homeschool Facebook group.
Sign up below. You’ll then land at the Techin’ Your Homeschool Facebook group. Go ahead and join since that’s where you’ll share your success for your chance to win the monthly prize. You’ll also receive my Subscriber Benefits….free and discounted Online Unit Studies, homeschool resources and weekly emails.