Learn about Vincent Van Gogh with Online Unit Studies. Enroll in this online homeschool curriculum for lesson plans and activities.

Van Gogh Online Unit Study

Look up any list of “Great Artists” and without a doubt, Vincent VanGogh will be at the top of the list. A list of “Most Famous Paintings”? Van Gogh’s Starry Night makes the top 10. So, my homeschoolin’ momma friend, if you want to study the art masters, Van Gogh is the way to go. (see what I did there…”Gogh”-“go”).

Want to try something new? Feel artistically challenged? Or don’t have any idea where to start teaching your kiddos about art? This 3-day Internet-based e-Learning course is the perfect curriculum for you.  Check out this video for a peek into the Vincent Van Gogh Online Unit Study.

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With this 3-day Online Unit Study, your family will learn about Van Gogh and examine his artwork. You’ll create a self-portrait, just like Van Gogh did. And as a final project, you’ll produce an animated biography video about the artist.


Learn about Vincent Van Gogh with Online Unit Studies. Enroll for this online homeschool curriculum for lesson plans about Van Gogh.


Follow my Famous Artists Unit Study Pinterest board for more Art History homeschool resources.

Follow Techie Homeschool Mom’s board Famous Artists Unit Study on Pinterest.

9 thoughts on “Van Gogh Online Unit Study

  1. Pingback: Free Online Van Gogh Unit Study - Money Saving Mom®
  2. Pingback: FREE Vincent Van Gogh Online Unit Study | Free Homeschool Deals ©
  3. Alice Manville

    I’m planning to start homeschooling my son starting in the fall, for 2nd grade. Would this Van Gogh Online study be too advanced for 2nd grade? or did you design it to be used for a broad range of grades? Is it something you would suggest repeating again in a few years to absorb more as he gets older? I have never homeschooled before, and I’m just trying to prepare as much as I can.

    • Beth

      Alice – How exciting that you are starting your homeschool journey. Online Unit Studies are a great option for new homeschoolers because it’s pretty “turn-key” for mom, plus integrates subjects. They are designed for kids who can read and navigate online (although most web searches are safely directed). However, if you want to be closely involved, he could probably handle it. My 1st grader does Online Unit Studies with my older girls. She finds the videos and websites interesting and does the projects “at her level”. My recommendation is that you enroll now nd try it. And then, if all goes well, you want to dig deeper, you can sign up for our Famous Artists study. Let me know if you have any other questions.

  4. Crystal

    A fun activity for Vincent Van Gogh is to do a painting party with the art sherpa on youtube… she’s fun silly and she has a Vincent Van Gogh themed painting party video. Paint along videos are not the best way to learn to paint, but they do help you get inside artist’s head and see how and why they painted the way they did.

    • Beth

      Thanks for the idea. I will find the Art Sherpa and include her videos on my Famous Artists Pinterest Board.

  5. Pingback: Free Vincent Van Gogh Online Unit Study
  6. Kelly @RaisingSamuels

    This sounds awesome, Beth! Thanks for sharing with #SocialButterflySunday! Hope to see you link up again this week 🙂

  7. Pingback: Paint a Self-Portrait Van Gogh Style - Techie Homeschool Mom

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