I got this radical idea about summer screen time. Instead of figuring out how to keep the kids off the computer, what if we intentionally put our our kids on electronics? Find out how.

An End to the Summer Screen Time Battle

Have you caught the conversations on social media about summer screentime….“How am I going to keep my kids from staring at a screen all summer long?” As always, many mommas are quick to offer advice, and many of them spoke about limiting screen time and dealing with their kids’ attitudes about electronics. I’m sure you’ve had a similar conversation in your home (and/or your head), probably feeling at a loss. We’re the first generation of moms who needs to figure this all out. [RELATED POST: A Mom’s Greatest Struggle in This Tech-Driven World]

The screen time war is real, my friend, and you and I are on the front lines. But, honestly, I threw in the towel over a year ago and called a truce. We instituted an unlimited tech time policy and it changed our family for the better. It’s amazing how less important something becomes when it is readily available. You can read all about our switch HERE.

I got this radical idea about summer screen time. Instead of figuring out how to keep the kids off the computer, what if we intentionally put our our kids on electronics? Find out how.

Recently, I got this radical idea about summer screen time. Instead of figuring out how to keep the kids off the computer, what if we intentionally put our kids on electronics? They want to be in front of a screen. And we want them to be creative and productive with their free time. So, why not have a win-win situation? Why not encourage healthy, worthwhile, creative screen time? Why not guide them to be tech creators, not consumers?

What I propose is that you and I and all the other digital immigrant moms be deliberately digital this summer. Let’s direct our kids towards tech tasks and projects, integrating computers into our lives. Let’s instill a healthy attitude about tech in our kids. And let’s challenge them (and us) to develop new tech skills and hopefully discover some talents.

Now, I wouldn’t suggest this if I didn’t have a plan for you. I don’t want you to have to figure this out on our own, especially if you don’t feel very techie. I’m going to make this easy for you.

Consider this your official invitation for the Techin’ Your Summer Challenge. Every week, I’ll send you two emails suggesting a techie projects for your family. You complete the challenges, then share your success in the Techin’ Your Homeschool Facebook group. The challenge runs June 1 to August 31, and at the end of each month, I will randomly award a prize to one family who shared their success.

Techin' your Summer Logo

These won’t be projects that you need to prepare for…and you don’t even need to do them yourself. And they’re not activities that will turn your kids into zombies from staring at a screen for hours. These challenges will get your kids using their screen time in productive, worthwhile ways. You’ll see tasks like “Use Skymap and go stargazing”. Or “Create a slideshow of pics from your family vacation”. Your kids will figure out how to use the tech tools and apps and will end up teaching you. Oh…and they’ll think you’re pretty cool because you’re being techie and all.

So, do you want in? Want to be deliberately digital this summer with my ideas for productive screen time? All you need to do is sign up below. You’ll then land at the Techin’ Your Homeschool Facebook group. Go ahead and join since that’s where you’ll share your success for your chance to win the monthly prize. You’ll also receive my Subscriber Benefits….free and discounted Online Unit Studies, homeschool resources and weekly emails.

Sign Up for the Techin’ Your Summer Challenge



One thought on “An End to the Summer Screen Time Battle

  1. kimberly mukes

    I just found your blog and it’s excellent! What a great source for incorporating technology in your homeschool!

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